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Win wars with strategic strategies in Simcity Buildit! Want to know how? Check out our guide!

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Crucial strategies of playing Simcity Buildit.

Your success in Simcity Buildit highly relies on the implementation of strategic strategies. Without an organized plan, the growth and prosperity of your city will encounter a lot of hardships. The strategies revolve around precise planning, resource distribution, and informed decision-making. Achieving the perfect equilibrium between residential, commercial, and industrial areas, alongside effectively managing the supply and demand of goods, is key. But game and war isn't just that, so let's move on.

Optimizing your city's layout to minimize traffic congestion is a key aspect of strategic strategies. By understanding the needs and wants of your citizens, and providing them with necessary amenities and services like parks, schools, and hospitals, you can keep them happy and promote growth.

Beginners in Simcity Buildit 

Beginners in Simcity Buildit can utilize various strategies to enhance their gameplay.

To get started in Simcity Buildit, here are a few tips to get you headed in the right direction: If you're new to the game, these strategies will be a big help.

Expand your city 

Gradually expand your city by accumulating more resources and unlocking new buildings, starting with basic residential zones. Start small and construct your city slowly.

To ensure your city is functioning smoothly, it's important to prioritize the construction of key facilities such as power plants, water treatment plants, and waste management facilities. Focus on essential services!

Wisely navigate­ the trade market by taking advantage­ of its opportunities to buy and sell goods. See­k out favorable deals where­ you can secure items at a low price­ and subsequently sell the­m for a higher price, allowing you to gene­rate profits.

Advanced Simcity Buildit strategies for experienced players

For those e­xperienced in playing Simcity Buildit and aiming to e­levate their game­, the following set of advanced strate­gies will prove invaluable: 

Cities can be­nefit greatly by specializing in a spe­cific industry rather than attempting to cover e­very aspect. This strategic focus allows for optimize­d production and increased reve­nue generation.

Investing in transportation is crucial for the­ success of a city. To improve connectivity and alle­viate traffic congestion, it is esse­ntial to construct highways, bridges, and train stations. Building these infrastructure­ networks will enhance e­fficiency and facilitate smoother trave­l experience­s for residents

Completing tasks and challenges: Participate in tasks and challenges within the game to earn war objects as rewards. These tasks can range from delivering specific goods to completing special missions.

Don't forget our war tutorial and our feeder cities one. They are awesome and will support you!

The war objects of your whole team: a strategic resource you should be aware of.

In Simcity Buildit, war objects are not only important for your own city but also for your entire team. They are a strategic resource that should be carefully managed and utilized. Here are some tips to make the most of your team's war objects:

Coordinate with your team: Communicate with your team members to strategize and coordinate the use of war objects. This will ensure that they are used effectively and not wasted.

Prioritize high-value targets: When participating in wars, focus on attacking high-value targets that will yield the most points. This will maximize the impact of your war objects and increase your chances of victory.

Support your team: Don't forget to support your team members by donating war objects to them. This will strengthen the overall performance of your team and foster a sense of camaraderie.

Creating a winning Simcity Buildit war strategy

To create a winning war strategy in Simcity Buildit, you need to consider various factors and plan accordingly. Here are some key steps to follow:

Assess your team's strengths and weaknesses: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your team members to determine the most effective deployment of war objects.

Research opponent cities: Before engaging in a war, study the layout and defenses of opponent cities. This will help you identify vulnerabilities and plan your attacks strategically.

Time your attacks: Timing is crucial in wars. Coordinate your attacks with your team members to overwhelm the opponent and maximize the impact of your war objects.

Building a strong Simcity Buildit team

In Simcity Buildit, teamwork is essential for success. Building a strong team involves:

Recruiting active and dedicated players: Look for players who are actively engaged in the game and willing to contribute to the team's success.

Establishing clear communication channels: Use in-game chat or external communication platforms to ensure effective communication and coordination within the team.

Sharing resources and knowledge: Encourage team members to share resources, tips, and strategies to help each other grow and improve.

And now... war!

Armed with your strategic strategies and a strong team, it's time to embark on the ultimate challenge - war! Engage in battles with rival cities, unleash your war objects, and aim for victory. Remember to communicate and coordinate with your team members, prioritize high-value targets, and adapt your strategy as needed. With the right approach and a bit of luck, you'll emerge victorious in the thrilling world of Simcity Buildit wars!

So, what are you waiting for? Share this article with your team mates and put your strategic strategies to the test. Together, you can conquer every war and build the ultimate city in Simcity Buildit!

Share this article to your team mates and win every single war!

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SImcity Buildit: your feeder city works for you for an easy growth. Guide inside!

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Simcity Buildit is a game that requires careful planning, resource management, and strategic decision-making. One of the key strategies in Simcity Buildit is the use of a Feeder City (a.k.a. Feeding City). In this guide, we will see what a Feeder City is and why it's so important. To get more info, anyway, you can find on our website a specific and dedicated page (a sort of tutorial) that will show how to set up your Feeder City quickly, everything without having to use more than one smartphone or struggling with different platforms.

Simcity Buildit: why a Feeder City?

Simcity Buildit is a simulation game where players act as they were the mayor of a virtual city. The goal is to build a metropolis, providing services, infrastructure, entertainment and safety for the citizens. As the city grows, resources become scarcer, and expansion starts to be difficult. The war module also requires an effort to find more and more resources. This is where a Feeder City comes in.

What is a Feeder City and why is it important?

A Feeder City is a secondary city that players create to support their main city in Simcity Buildit. It is a separate city,  a second or third city for the same player. Usually it's kept at a lower level, so it's used to produce and store resources that can be transferred to the main city. The main goal of a Feeder City is to provide a long-lasting supply of essential items, especially:

- the precious expansion items and 

- the always welcomed storage items

Those are necessary for the growth and development of the main city.

So why is a Feeder City important? Well, in Simcity Buildit, resources are limited, and as the city expands, the demand for these resources increases. By having a Feeder City, players can ensure a constant supply of resources without having to rely on the unpredictable global trade market. This allows for rapid growth and development, as players can focus on expanding their main city while the Feeder City takes care of resource production.

What is the best level for a feeder city to get expansion and storage items?

When it comes to setting up a Feeder City, the level plays an important role. The ideal level for a Feeder City to get expansion and storage items is level 10. At this level, players unlock the ability to produce expansion and storage items in the factories. These items are crucial for the growth of the main city, as they allow for the expansion of land and the storage of resources.

By keeping the Feeder City at level 10, most players maximize the production of expansion and storage items. This happens because, as the Feeder City produces these items, they can be easily transferred to the main city, granting efficient resource management and rapid growth. It is important to note that once the Feeder City reaches level 10, it should not be upgraded further, because this would unlock new buildings and items that are not necessary or less precious for the Feeder City's goals, replacing the ones that are really valuable for the growth of the main city.

Benefits of using a Feeder City for rapid growth

Using a Feeder City in Simcity Buildit offers several benefits for players looking to achieve rapid growth. Firstly, it provides a constant supply of essential resources, such as expansion and storage items, without relying on the unpredictable global trade market. This allows players to focus on expanding their main city without worrying about resource shortages.

Secondly, a Feeder City allows for efficient resource management. By producing and storing resources in the Feeder City, players can transfer them to the main city as needed. This eliminates the need to constantly buy resources from the global trade market or wait for them to be produced in the main city's factories. It also allows players to take advantage of any excess resources in the Feeder City by selling them for profit.

Lastly, a Feeder City opens up new opportunities for strategic decision-making. Players can experiment with different layouts and designs in the Feeder City without compromising the aesthetics or functionality of the main city.

Step-by-step guide to setting up your Feeder City

Setting up a Feeder City in Simcity Buildit is a relatively simple process. Follow these steps to get started:

Create a new city: Start by creating a new city in Simcity Buildit. This will be your Feeder City.

Focus on resource production: In the Feeder City, prioritize the construction of resource-producing buildings such as factories and commercial buildings. These buildings should be dedicated to the production of essential items, such as expansion and storage items.

Transfer resources to the main city: Once the Feeder City produces the necessary resources, transfer them to the main city. This can be done through the trade depot or by sending them as gifts to the main city.

Repeat the process: Continuously produce and transfer resources from the Feeder City to the main city to ensure a steady supply of essential items.

By following these steps, players can effectively set up and utilize a Feeder City for maximum benefit in Simcity Buildit.

Tips and tricks for maximizing resources in Simcity Buildit

In addition to using a Feeder City, there are several tips and tricks that players can utilize to maximize resources in Simcity Buildit. Here are a few:

Search the global trade market: Take advantage of the global trade market to buy and sell resources. Look for good deals on essential items and sell any resources you don't need for profit.

Optimize production schedules: Adjust the production schedules of your factories to ensure a constant supply of resources. Coordinate the production of items that require similar resources to maximize efficiency.

Invest in education and transportation: Education and transportation infrastructure can greatly improve resource production and distribution in Simcity Buildit. Invest in schools and universities to increase the productivity of your factories, and build efficient transportation networks to ensure resources reach their destinations quickly.

With these tips and tricks, players can effectively manage and maximize resources in Simcity Buildit, leading to rapid growth and development.

Simcity Buildit fast growth tutorial: where to find more tips?

For players looking for a comprehensive growth tutorial in Simcity Buildit, there are several resources available. Some of them have been published in this website as a support of our team. Many other resources offer valuable insights and strategies for players looking to grow fast in the game. Don't forget to check social media groups and social media pages. Usually they offer resources that can help you a lot.

Advanced trading strategies in Simcity Buildit

Trading is an essential aspect of Simcity Buildit, and advanced trading strategies can greatly enhance resource management and growth. Here are a few advanced trading strategies to consider:

Specialize in specific resources: Focus on producing and trading specific resources to become a specialist in the market. By specializing, players can take advantage of price fluctuations and monopolize certain markets for maximum profit.

Form alliances: Join or form alliances with other players to increase trading opportunities and negotiate better deals. By collaborating with other mayors, players can access a wider range of resources and trade on a larger scale.

Use the global trade HQ: The global trade HQ is a valuable tool for finding and trading resources. Use the search function to find specific items and take advantage of good deals. Be patient and monitor the market to maximize profit.

By utilizing these advanced trading strategies, players can become savvy traders and maximize their resource management capabilities in Simcity Buildit.

Recommended courses and tutorials for mastering Simcity Buildit

For players looking to master Simcity Buildit, there are several recommended courses and tutorials available. These resources provide in-depth guidance and strategies for various aspects of the game, including city planning, resource management, and trading. Some popular courses and tutorials include:

Simcity Buildit Mastery Course: This comprehensive course covers all aspects of Simcity Buildit, from basic city planning to advanced resource management and trading strategies.

YouTube video tutorials: Many experienced players and content creators share their strategies and tips on YouTube. These video tutorials offer visual demonstrations and insights into successful gameplay.

Online forums and communities: Joining online forums and communities dedicated to Simcity Buildit can provide valuable advice and support from experienced players. These platforms often have dedicated sections for strategy discussions and resource trading.

By investing time and effort into these courses and tutorials, players can gain a deeper understanding of Simcity Buildit and improve their gameplay skills.

Here we are: Final thoughts on using a Feeder City in Simcity Buildit

In conclusion, a Feeder (or Feeding) City is a valuable asset for players looking to achieve rapid growth and efficient resource management in Simcity Buildit. By setting up a separate city dedicated to resource production, players can ensure a constant supply of essential items without relying on the unpredictable global trade market. Additionally, utilizing tips and tricks, as well as advanced trading strategies, can further enhance resource management and growth.

For players looking to master Simcity Buildit, investing in courses and tutorials can provide valuable insights and strategies. By learning from experienced players and exploring different gameplay approaches, players can maximize their resource management capabilities and create thriving virtual cities.

So why should you wait more? Start setting up your Feeder City today and watch as it works for you, providing easy resources and supporting the rapid growth of your main city in Simcity Buildit. Share this guide with your team mates and embark on an exciting journey of urban development together!

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READ THIS FIRST: What to ex(pect) when you ex(change).

Nessun commento:


Our requirements to stay in Active Exchange are: at least 500 points every 2 wars and at least 5000 points in the Challenge of Mayors (C.o.M.). Who doesn't do that is kicked.


The most important things you have to know about wars is that we have a STRATEGY.
Many clubs fight like they had no brain. We have a brain and we want to use it well!
This mostly means that we don't start an attack without trying to coordinate in chat with the tips of our long-time-studied STRATEGY HANDBOOK. Please click it and read it very carefully: it's the most important thing we ask you!


You have 12 hours to collect war items before war starts. You do it in the shop called "war deliveries". Check what are your available attacks (war disasters) and buy the items accordingly. The team will help if you ask, but remember that the war items cost much more to big level players (around 6000-8000 simoleons average) than to low level players (2000-3000 simoleons). Instead of asking for war items directly, ask for the items you need to complete the war deliveries. You also have an important new shop in the war page, which can be used to buy war items. Do it! If you have your good amount of war items, you will be able to attack more and earn more precious war chests.


When the war is started get in chat first and ask who is around to attack with you. Hopefully you will find other players ready to attack and a vice president to coordinate. Be sure that you aren't blocked to attack from the dome (check in game tutorial) or you miss items. If you don't find anyone in 10-12 minutes, you can attack alone, or with another player, following anyway our strategy guidelines.

1) ATTACK REPORT: When you are ready to attack (so full items and not under the dome), report for attack specifying the amount of war points that your attacks can deal.
ex. Hello, I am ready to attack 2*100 and 1*400

2) ATTACK CALL: Some vice or the president will call the attack, saying a target and the attackers.
ex. Target: Enemy City. PLAYER-A 400, PLAYER-B 200+300, PLAYER-C 100, PLAYER-D 700

3) WARNINGS: Warnings will be given if:
- a player attacks without reporting in chat
- a player doesn't complete his attack in a reasonable (3-4 minutes) time
- a player doesn't follow the attack call, attacks the wrong target or uses more/less attacks or war points.
- a player takes another player's place attacking or anyway spoils the attack.

Everything will be done accordingly to our Strategy and that means that we will choose the suitable target (low population, inactive, not president/vice and so on) and we will add a big attack for last, when the player has only 1 building before getting under the dome, so he doesn't benefit of more cheap war items. If you didn't read the strategy page yet, do it quickly please, you will understand why it is so important.
Everyone should rebuild the most he can, and if rebuilding you get war items you don't use, share them with the team: somebody will buy for sure.
Try to get the best chest you can, with the help of the team. The two last hours your energy will recharge 3x, so it's the best time to be online and get/give help.

Wars will now start and finish at 17 UTC+0 (that means at midnight Philippines time, 18 central europe time and so on). Remember that the first 12 hours are used to collect items.


We exchange goods without trading. We simply help, whenever we can, giving the item needed from another member without asking anything else back. You will see that a few members are really giving away a lot of items. The best way to thank them is to help other members. The team will benefit of it a lot!

During the transactions, unless differently specified, the prices should (but it is up to you) always be maxed, because in the past we had some members who were asking for the items just to resell them with profit. Always maxing the prices will help the items to go to those who need them for true.

ex. Hello, does anyone have a nail?
- please request only the items that you can't find easily in the HQ by yourself.
- don't leave chat just after you requested an item. It's unpolite to leave while someone wants to help you. :)

- Storage items can be given for loans. A loan can last up to 1 week, after the duration of the loan, you are expected to give back the same amount of the same war items, so other players can benefit.
- If you don't give back the items you will be given a warning every 2 days of delay.


Kicks come if you don't meet the activity requirements anymore, steal an item that was meant to be given to someone else, behave bad in chat or obtain a total of 3 warnings in one week. Warnings come if you attack wrong or if you fail to give back loaned items.

Other useful pages to check are:
JOIN page: know better how the team is made, know better your role.
FEEDER CITIES page: how to create a feeder city: another city to support your game play.

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War profitability. Should I really fight?

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Many would ask themselves if the wars are worth fighting. Do I really earn when I play the war module on SimCity BuildIt? Can I have benefits in SimCash or Simoleons?

The answer can depend. We will see on what right now.

Profitability Reasons of Simcity wars1) The war's victory and the war's chests. An unique way to obtain simcash.

- Unless you pay real money to EA, SimCash are kinda rare and difficult to obtain. The reasons to want more simcash are many: you can use them to speed up something like productions or Challenge of Mayor's tasks, you can use them to enlarge your storage when you are about to do it but can't really find the storage item you want, and you can save simcash to build the powerful and super-useful maxis manor, which can let you bulldoze many police/fire/health buildings (getting simcash back) and obtain much more space for those buildings that will increase your population.

Profitability Reasons of Simcity wars2) The war disaster cards will make your wars easier.

- Considering that once you earn war cards, you can unlock better attacks and increase your disaster collection, wars become cheaper the more you fight! At some point you can deal 1000 war points with just four or five objects. This will make your game easier.

Profitability Reasons of Simcity wars3) The better your team rank is, the more your opponents will fight, the cheaper will be the war items.

- This seems quite masochist, but it's true. The more you get hit, the more you save. You should be aware that rebuilding gives you much cheaper war items than those you have to buy from the war deliveries shop. That means that powerful opponents are more likely to help you save, while you reach the same target of war points.

Profitability Reasons of Simcity wars4) If you win a war, you get 2000 war simoleons to buy war items in the war store.

- The last feature that EA added to the war module is war simoleons. Victory gives to each member 2000 war simoleons, while loosing only gives 300. If you wina war you can buy up to 10 war items in the war store. That means that you will start the next war with 10 war items. Not bad, is it?

Profitability Reasons of Simcity wars4) High level players pay a lot for war deliveries.

- Since high level players have a wider variety of very expensive and hard to find items, the war deliveries, which request different items, 
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WAR DIARY, 20th Dec

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After challenging a turkish team, we had to face an american one, and we reached a great amount of damage, though not our best which is 49000. Thanks to everyone for this great result!!!
At the start our enemy was impatient to fight, and they started hitting hard for a few moments, but they couldn't hold our strength, and we soon showed that there was no match! Congratz!

We can see that many players are really giving their best to make the team obtain brilliant victories: they deserve all of our appreciation both because they do it and because they let everyone else enjoy and grow with their help. Thank you so much!

Some players are less active, and that's ok, since everyone of us has his life to take care of. Anyway some player were kicked due to long inactivity, because the team will be harmed from inactive players which buildings are destroyed and they don't attack back, nor they put war items at the disposal of the team. This can really make everyone aware of the importance of every single player.

Here we can find our last rank in battle:

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It's halloween time in Simcity Buildit and you can find a whole lot of items. Do you really use them? Is it worth it spending keys or simoleon for them? If yes, for which?

Remember that, even at Halloween, the real scared ones, are our enemies. Buhahahahaha!
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