The best hints and tips for Simcity Buildit

General Knowledge
Simcity Buildit Hints

  • 1. The game runs faster if you turn off both sounds and music. Think of your beloved band and ask yourself why you should listen to Simicity Buildit music instead!
  • 2. The game sometimes start to slow down or gives you issues. The first solution is to clean up the cache. To do that, choose the setup icon of your phone, find the app management, choose Simcity Buildit and its memory usage, then clean up the cache!
  • 3. If cleaning up the cache doesn't work, you should make sure that you saved your data with your facebook or google accounts and then reinstall the app. It will take a few minutes of game to get back to the account options, but this will be definitely worth it!
  • 4. The game sometimes runs faster if the phone is not under charge. Especially if you have more than one app taking care or track of the charge of your phone.
  • 5. You can play Simcity Buildit from your PC, but you need a virtualization software that will recreate an Android environment. BlueStack is one.
  • A huge help can be given if you have one or more feeder cities. A feeder city is a continuous help that you can get from a little linked city that will serve your main one. Don't forget to try create one. Our Feeder Cities Turorial is helpful. Take a look at it!

City Developement

  • 1. Raise your population, not your levels, at least until you didn't max up your storage and lands. Finding the items to max things after will be much harder.
  • 2. You don't need to upgrade your roads. When the traffic becomes "red", you can just move the buildings away. You can also bulldoze the road (not the buildings!) and rebuild, and the traffic will be back normal!
  • 3. Try to max the buildings you already have, before buying new ones: considering that you have limited space, it's better to have maxed buildings than a whole lot of short ones.
  • 4. Keep your shops and factories near the trading HQ. This will help you to switch faster between them saving precious time. Remember, in general, that when you everything near you lose less time, and you don't get easily tired of the game.
  • 5. Omega buildings give you a big population, money, and neo simoleons too. If you have to choose, build them instead of others. Also ordinary buildings can be precious, since you can make them epic and enjoy their tokens!

War and C.o.M.

  • 1. Challenge of Mayors is going to give you harder tasks with better prizes, if you choose harder tasks. If you plan to get to the top, choose always the best prize and the harder task!
  • 2. Once you have the most important buildings of each different season, you can avoid taking part in the seasons, and stay in the high level leagues. But remember: you will also lose a few coins more that are given to those who take part to the seasons!
  • 3. About war I suggest you to take a look to our strategy page!

If you have more hints and tips, you can share them commenting!

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