WAR DIARY, 20th Dec


After challenging a turkish team, we had to face an american one, and we reached a great amount of damage, though not our best which is 49000. Thanks to everyone for this great result!!!
At the start our enemy was impatient to fight, and they started hitting hard for a few moments, but they couldn't hold our strength, and we soon showed that there was no match! Congratz!

We can see that many players are really giving their best to make the team obtain brilliant victories: they deserve all of our appreciation both because they do it and because they let everyone else enjoy and grow with their help. Thank you so much!

Some players are less active, and that's ok, since everyone of us has his life to take care of. Anyway some player were kicked due to long inactivity, because the team will be harmed from inactive players which buildings are destroyed and they don't attack back, nor they put war items at the disposal of the team. This can really make everyone aware of the importance of every single player.

Here we can find our last rank in battle:

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